We know everyone is excited about this next batch of Nepenthes species and hybrids coming in from Borneo Exotics; and we also have some tissue cultured plants from BE that have settled in nicely for us. Make sure you are following us on Facebook and sign up for our e-mails (link on the bottom of our web page) to get the latest information!
We want to give everyone a chance to see what's going to be available...hopefully starting Monday morning...so here's a list to make you drool:
- heterodoxa
- heterodoxa x minor
- sp. Yuruani B
Nepenthes species:
- ampullaria 'Red' (BE-3681)
- ampullaria 'Brunei Speckled' (BE-3007)
- ampullaria 'Lime Twist' (BE-3390) - Medium
- ampullaria 'Bronze Nabire' (BE-3304)
- ampullaria 'Papua, Intermediate' (BE-3450) - Medium
- bicalcarata 'Brunei, Orange' (BE-3029) - Medium
- bicalcarata 'Brunei, Orange' (BE-3029) - LARGE
- burbidgeae 'Pig Hill, Assorted Clones' (BE-3873)
- diatas 'Gunung Masurai' (BE-3861)
- hirsuta 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3083)
- merrilliana 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3727)
- mira 'single BEST Clone' (BE-3868)
- peltata 'Single BEST Clone' (BE-3464)
- sibuyanensis 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3164)
- singalana 'Masurai' (BE-3170)
- tentaculata (BE-3870)
- treubiana 'Andamata' (BE-3340)
- vogelii 'Single BEST Clone' (BE-3256)
Nepenthes Hybrids:
- ampullaria x campanulata (BE-3840) - NEW HYBRID!!
- ampullaria x HAMATA 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3726)
- densiflora x robcantleyi 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3573)
- maxima x mira (BE-3753) - NEW HYBRID!!
- petiolate x talangensis 'Single BEST Clone' (BE-3762)
- rajah x burbidgeae (aka ALISAPUTRANA!!) (BE-3865)
- rajah x veitchii 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3730)
- sibuyanensis x HAMATA 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3562)
- sibuyanensis x merrilliana 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3542)
- singalana x mirabilis var. globosa 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3867) - Medium
- spathulata x HAMATA 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3712)
- spectabilis x HAMATA 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3871) - NEW HYBRID!!
- spectabilis x platychila 'Single BEST Clone' (BE-3760)
- talangensis x robcantleyi 'Assorted Clones' (BE-3497) - Medium
Be ready...some of these are in VERY short supply...like one or two!!
Please notify me when the N. bicalcarata, BE 3029 become available.
Please Notify when Bicalcarata (3029) becomes available
Please Notify when Bicalcarata (3029) becomes available