We now have a very limited number of native Grass Pink Orchids (Calapogon tuberosa) available for immediate shipment. These beautiful companion plants to carnivores produce 24-inch tall bloom spikes with multiple flowers per spike in April-May (depending on your area), and really add some color and texture to a planter of carnivorous plants. We have both the typical form, with spectacular fuchsia-pink flowers, AND the RARELY-SEEN white-flowered form. Limited numbers though, and once they start producing bloom spikes, we can no longer ship them. Get them while they can be shipped!
We also have two massive import shipments coming in, starting with our usual spring order from Borneo Exotics in two weeks, and closely followed by a very large shipment from Wistuba shortly after. TONS of new smaller plants soon, and LOTS of medium/large plants available now!