Posted by Mike at on 1/31/2016 to
We have yet again placed our LARGEST EVER order with Borneo Exotics in Sri Lanka, and have hundreds and hundreds of plants that will be shipped to us for arrival by the first week of March. Some of these are plants that they used to offer years ago (ampullaria 'Bronze Nabire' and bicalcarata 'Brunei Orange, for example), and are returning for the first time since. And a FEW of these are even of the LARGE (6 to 12 inch diameter) and EXTRA-LARGE (12-inch plus) SIZE (including Nepenthes ROBCANTLEYI!!). Some of these (marked with an asterisk (*) were in such short supply that we only were able to get a few of them. Here's a list to tease you; e-mail us at service(at)petflytrap(dot)com with any questions or to discuss advance reservations:
- Albomarginata - Brunei, assorted clones
- Ampullaria - Bronze Nabire
- Ampullaria - Brunei, red-speckled, assorted clones
- Bicalcarata - Brunei, orange, assorted clones
- Copelandii - Apo, assorted clones
- Diatas - Bandahara, assorted clones
- ** Glabrata - assorted clones
- Khasiana - assorted clones
- Madagascariensis - assorted clones
- Maxima - wavy leaf, assorted clones
- **Mirabilis var. echinostoma - single clone
- Reinwardtiana - red flush/striped, assorted clones
- Stenophylla - Bareo, assorted clones
- **Vieillardii - single clone
- Vogelii - assorted clones
- ampullaria x aristolochioides - assorted clones
- ampullaria 'Harlequin' x (spathulata x gymnamphora) - SEED-GROWN
- **Densiflora x aristolochioides - SEED-GROWN
- Spectabilis x aristolochioides - single clone
- Spectabilis x ventricosa - red speckling, pink background
- Veitchii 'Bareo' x platychila - assorted clones
- ****densiflora x mirabilis var. globosa
- ******eymae - single clone
- maxima 'Gunung Lumut' x aristolochioides - assorted clones
- **spathulata x mindanaoensis
- spathulata x ramispina - SEED-GROWN
- ***ventricosa x mirabilis var. globosa
- ventricosa x ovata - SEED-GROWN
- **ROBCANTLEYI - assorted clones**